Friday, July 21, 2006

[Jul 26 2006] dorkbotSF #27

7:30pm Wednesday
26 July 2006

BOCA (Bar of Contemporary Art)
414 Jessie (off 5th & Mission)
San Francisco, CA

oron catts - from semi-living to the biological art lab - Tissue Culture & Art Project and SymbioticA

eric paulos - interactive city

joel slayton - c5 quest for success and ZeroOne San Jose

open dorks: scott beale (ev-do router) jake appelbaum (23c3)

after party with dj due solekandi

FREE ADMISSION but donations most welcome to help out our generous hosts!

Feel free to bring food to share
CASH BAR | 21 + only

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Ralf Burgert at sea

Crew member Ralf Burgert is racing to Hawaii on a sailboat. Track Ralf's progress by looking for the Stray Cat Blues dot on this map:

The Art of Living Dangerously

July 2006 issue features an interview of Karen Marcelo by Annalee Newitz.

Article Preview
Interview: The art of living dangerously

* 15 July 2006
* Annalee Newitz
* Magazine issue 2560

What happens when technology is unleashed as art? Who controls rampaging robots built from scrap? High-tech artist and icon Karen Marcelo explains

In San Francisco's underground high-tech arts scene, Karen Marcelo is an icon. A computer programmer by day, she's also a member of performance art group Survival Research Labs. SRL artists build robots with equipment they find in junkyards and military-industrial waste bins, setting them loose in a kind of anarchic frenzy with no practical purpose. This is technology for art's sake.

Marcelo often plays the role of the hacker behind the art - coding software that allows people to control gun-shooting robots from remote locations over the web or developing user interfaces for remote-controlled sculptures. Her motivation is to create art that is interactive, involving the audience in the experience of controlling huge machines that often appear uncontrollable. In 2002, she began a semi-regular public event in San Francisco called Dorkbot, where tech art innovators meet to show and discuss new works. In the last four years, Dorkbot has become ...

Geek Entertainment TV acquired by Podcast

congrats to our own Eddie Codel whose geek entertainment tv was just acquired by podtech this week. Laughing Squid Scott Beale blogs the deal here: